101 Labs for Linux
This book is designed to cement the theory you have read in your Linux study guide or video training course.
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This book is designed to cement the theory you have read in your Linux study guide or video training course.
Last updated
The goal of this book is to dramatically improve your hands-on skills and speed, enabling you to succeed in the practical portions of the Linux+ exams and also to transfer your skills to the real world as a Linux systems engineer. We don’t have space here to cover theory at all, so please refer to your Linux study guide to get a good understanding of the learning points behind each lab. Every lab is designed to cover a particular theoretical issue, such as the configuration requirements of fdisk.
All of the labs are hands-on. They have been checked by several students as well as a senior Linux consultant so should be error-free. Bear in mind that each machine will differ so your output will differ from ours in many instances. If you use a distro other than Ubuntu 18.04 then your results will differ from ours significantly.
If you get stuck or things aren’t working, we recommend you take a break and come back to the lab later with a clear mind. There are many Linux support forums out there where you can ask questions, and if you are a member of 101labs.net you can post on our forum, of course.
Best of luck with your studies. – Eopi Noriko, CCNP, MCSE